Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How to handle dominating people?

It happens in every man’s life. When the people are in upper hand, they used to slam the people who work under them in bad words. The workers or less privileged people have to bear with that. What we need to do if we are in such situation? I came to know the following story. After that I never worried about the dominating people.

Here is the story (remember that I am not good at story telling and excuse grammatical errs),

One day Buddha and his sishya went to a house and begged for food. The lady from the house came and bashed with words like you guys are lethargic, why don’t you guys work and earn money. Buddha was not disturbed by those words. He smiled. But his sishya got angry, he asked his master to allow him to bash that lady. Buddha dint say anything. He just gave his kamandalam to the sishya and left from that place.

That day night when Buddha and his sishya were discussing, the sishya asked his master that why he didn’t allow him to bash that lady. Then Buddha asked him where the kamandalam is? The sishya brought it. Then Buddha asked who owns this kamandalam? The sishya said that it’s yours master. But Buddha said that he already gave this to him on morning, so it is his. The sishya said that you gave it to me, but I didn’t accept it. So it is yours only master. Now Buddha explained that when someone is bashing you with bad words, don’t be angry. If you accept it, then it belongs to you. Otherwise it belongs to them only.

True. The story nicely explains how we need to stand against such situations. So guys how do you feel?

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