Monday, November 12, 2007

What is a real life?

What is a real life? Or what ever the life we are living is real? (Cool!!! In the first statement itself I arrived the topic :) ).

My profession is software. I write programs. But I don’t want my life to go programmatically. When I entered as a fresher, I was so interested to do programs. But after few years, the interest is reduced. I was bored of routine work. Waking up in the morning, going to office, returning late night, short sleep. Most of the weekends in office. Most of the time I forgot to call my mom. The life is going like this. So I started concentrate on other activities.

My interest turned into books, music & movies. But after some period of time, these also bother. So I asked myself what is a real life?

Well. As said in the movie Pancha Thanthiram, "It is easy to ask question; To answer the question is difficult". Does work is life? No, work is part of life. We can't say this or that. But the answer is "it depends" (When I attended Six Sigma training, the trainer said that a Six Sigma Black Belt guy will say 'it depends'. But I am not a Black Belt guy).

We born in this world. Whether we like it or not, we need money for survival. Stand in a higher level and think what money is. It is a man made one. Honestly speaking its a fake entity. But we are highly needed of money. So to get money, we need to work. We need money for survival.

I have seen few people, who are spending time only in office. You can see them in weekends and late nights. Also there are few people, who never slogs in office. What do you say, which one is better?

When my friend Senthilnathan came to Madurai, I met him in GRT. I remember that night and the chat we had. I was saying that my big brother is spending more time in office and he is not carring his personal life. And I said that the work and personal life should be balanced. But he said it is not like that.

Here is his statement,

'The company is feeding me. It gives me the social status. So I wont bother to work hard. My prioirty is work than personal life'

How true the statement is. So in which we need to concentrate? work (or) personal life. The answer is 'it depends'. If you are passionate about work and you have goals to reach, work hard. If you want to spend more time in home, plan your profession accordingly.

In very simple terms, it can be said as "What you sow is what you reap"

To live happily, we need to do the things which we like. If you like painting, do painting in your free time. If you dont like your current work, look for the work which you like. Have some hobbies which are not at all related with your work. Like if you are a software professional, dont play computer games in free times. Try gardening, biking or learn musical instruments. Whether you like the work or not, it is determined by your mind only. If you start love your work, your life will be enjoyable.

Life is beautiful. Learn to enjoy it.

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