Monday, November 12, 2007

Searching for a lighthouse...

I found this sentence, when I was reading the book 'The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari' by Robin Sharma. I bought this book 1.5 years ago, when I was buying the 'The Da Vinci Code' book. The Da Vinci code was good and it doesn't let me to put down. So I totally forgot to read it. It was there in my self for nearly 1.5 years unnoticed.

The day was Diwali. I am totally bored of reading fiction books, watching TV and of course going to office. The day was really a mess. I was blank and really donno what to do. When I looked into my self, I found this book which tells the way to look myself. Last week when I was in Bangalore my bro was saying about this book. And my lead Abdul also saying about it. So started reading.

Bored huh? Like I had the book, but it was unnoticed. We are all having the MIND, but not utlizing it. The book says how to utilize it effectively and make success in our personal, professional & spiritual life.

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