Thursday, January 28, 2010

When life becomes interesting?

Its been a long time I blogged. I was busy with work and in mean time kept myself busy with Chess and movies. Mostly the time was spent in Chesscube. In a couple of months I played 4300 games in Chesscube. Frequently played 10sec+1 games. Then in rest of the time watched the movies in categorized manner like heist movies, western sphagetti movies etc. So I didnt get bored in the life. My colleague RMN used say that am enjoying the bachelor life too much and get married soon.

Ok. Thats the story why I didnt blog for a while. Coming to the point, when life becomes interesting? Based on perspectives, we can have hell lot of answers for this. I am going to tell one.

It occurred to me, when my big brother told me that, I am not good at people handling, so you should move towards technically. I realized that every human in this world is different and they have unique characteristics. Everyday we'll be interacting with lot of people, they'll have unique attitude and characteristics. The beauty of life is how we handle those people. So life becomes interesting when we got to know the pattern of the people and guessing what they'll do next.

Here are some interesting characteristics,
  • short tempered
  • speaking unnecessary content
  • always late. no time conscious
Like this we can list millions of characteristics. But based on them we can form a pattern and we can guess what they'll do next. This concept is not new. But try it. Life becomes interesting :)